Praying Good for the World
Uplifting Words

Abundance. awesome . assurance . accomplish . beautiful . beloved . blessings . breakthrough . civility . contribution . courage . covenant . decency . dependable . dignify . divinely . edify . empower . exceedingly . excellence . exemplary . faithful . fidelity . flourishing . fortitude . generosity . graceful . happy . harmony . helpful . humility . immaculate . improving . joyful . jubilant . kindness . knowledge . love . miracle . morality . motivated . neatly . nicely . noble . oasis . optimism . orderly . overjoy . peacefulness . positivity . praiseworthy . productive . progress . prosperity . quality . qualifying . redeeming . rejoicing . respect . richly . saint . secure . smiles . spiritual . talent . thankfulness . triumph . uplifting . usefulness . victory . virtue . wealthy . welcome . well educated . well managed . winnable . winners . wise . witty . wonderful . workable . worthy. etc….

The International Ministerial Alliance
The IMA House of God